Annie Jacobs

Contributing Faculty
College of Psychology and Community Services
School of Psychology
Ph.D. Psychology

I started my career in Psychology while an undergraduate college student at San Diego State University. I worked as a Patient's Rights Advocate for United Way with individuals hospitalized in an emergency (3- days, 5150) and getting recommended for a more extended stay (14 days, 5250). I also began working with high-risk foster youth at residential facilities (typically called group homes). I had a slight detour into human resources and recruitment, but in 2001, I opened up a non-profit agency focused on high-risk foster youth in residential settings. I expanded the agency to work with highly marginalized populations, including commercially sexually exploited children, unaccompanied refugee minors, and LGBTQ+. In 2018, we closed the agency due to increased state regulations and decreased funding, and I took a year off work to enjoy my life! In 2019, I started working as an adjunct professor for a local community college and discovered that I love teaching psychology!

Fast-forward five years, and I have now taught lower-division psychology at local community colleges, undergraduate upper-division psychology at a few universities, and graduate school courses, including Master's Thesis and Dissertation Chair/Committees at a few others.

I am passionate about underserved populations, marginalized populations, EMDR, NFT, as well as other traditional and alternative modalities of therapy. Whatever all that can look like!

I got my M.B.A. in Public Administration from the University of Arizona - Global Campus (2012); a Ph.D. in Psychology with a concentration in Transformative Social Change (2017) from Saybrook University; and went back to school to get a Master's in Education with a concentration in Education Technology/Instructional Design at Louisiana State University (2021). The M.A. in Education was obtained to close the gap between my knowledge of psychology and my lack of knowledge of instructional pedagogy.


PhD, Saybrook University

MEd, Louisiana State University

MBA, University of Arizona Glocal Campus


Jacobs, A. (2018). The Voices of Survivors: An Exploration of The Contributing Factors That Assisted With Exiting From Commercial Sexual Exploitation In Childhood. Child and Youth Services Review