Graduating from college is an impressive accomplishment. You’re eager to get a job, make a good salary, and start applying everything you’ve learned about your profession. Time passes and before you know it, you’ve been diligently working for several years. One morning you go to work—and discover that a coworker got the promotion you wanted. For many, that’s a wake-up call telling you that it’s time to enhance your job skills and strengthen your résumé.
So what makes online graduate certificate programs so important?
Going back to college—even as a part-time student—is a big commitment. Of all the graduate programs available, certificate programs at an online university take less time to complete, yet reward you with vital new skills employers are looking for right now. Other compelling benefits include:
- Updating your skills in high-demand areas of expertise in your profession.
Focusing your online learning experience on skills you can use on your job right now.
Saving time when you complete your certificate program in as little as six months.*
Boosting your earning potential. The Washington Post reports that having a graduate certificate can boost your salary by up to 25%.1
- Branching out into exciting, new fields of study, regardless of the degree or degrees you already hold.
- Enjoying lower tuition compared to a master’s program.
- Showing your boss or prospective employers that you are dedicated to continuing your education and advancing your career.
Online Graduate Certificate Program Example
If you have a BS in Communication, you might be interested in updating your job skills with an online Graduate Certificate in Digital Marketing at Walden University. This 9-semester-credit program consists of three online courses:
- Digital Marketing—Learn about digital marketing tools and strategies that help you manage and assess the performance of your company’s digital marketing campaigns and adjust them as needed to reach and influence consumers.
- Relationship Marketing—Discover how to foster consumer loyalty and increase customer retention as well as how to plan, design, and execute customer relationship management systems, and more.
- Communicating Using Social and Digital Media—Examine how social media have changed the way consumers interact with brands. Learn how to develop a social media strategy, and more.
Walden University offers a wide selection of online certificate programs in ten areas of study:
- Business and Management—Graduate certificate programs ranging from Advanced Project Management to Managerial Accounting, as well as two post-doctoral bridge certificates
- Communication—Graduate Certificate in Communication
- Criminal Justice—Graduate Certificate in Criminal Justice
- Education—More than 25 graduate and post-master’s certificate programs ranging from Adult Learning to Mathematics K–6 and Special Education
- Information Technology—Graduate Certificates in Information Systems, Cyber Security, and Data Management
- Nursing—A Post-Master’s Certificates in Nursing with specializations in Adult Gerontology Acute Care, Adult Gerontology Primary Care, Nursing Education, Nursing Informatics, and Nurse Executive, Family Nurse Practitioner and Psychiatric Mental Health Practitioner
- Psychology—A post-master’s certificated focused on online teaching in Psychology
- Public Health—Graduate Certificate in Public Health
- Public Policy and Administration—Six graduate certificate programs, ranging from Homeland Security to Public Policy.
- Social Work and Human Services—Graduate Certificate in Conflict Management and Negotiation.
Find out more about Walden’s online certificate programs.
Change Your Future Faster!
If you are currently enrolled at Walden, you may be able to apply credits from your program toward a certificate program(s). Learn more about our transfer of credit policy.
Walden University is an accredited institution offering online graduate certificates in multiple areas of study. Expand your career options and complete your certificate program using a convenient, flexible learning platform that fits your busy life.
*Time to completion may vary by student, depending on individual progress and credits transferred, if applicable.
Walden University is accredited by The Higher Learning Commission,