Fran Reed

Senior Core Faculty
Richard W. Riley College of Education and Human Sciences
Doctor of Education (EdD)

Dr. Reed has worked in the field of education since 1973. During this time, she has been a special education teacher, college professor, Director of Teacher Education and University Dean. She currently serves as a Senior Core Faculty Member for doctoral programs in Riley College. She is active in the Council for Exceptional Children. During 2023-2024, she will serve her second term as the ITED State Board Vice President and representative to ICEC for ITED. Dr. Reed is a member AERA. She is also a member of foundation and organization boards that provide funding and support for individuals with developmental delays. Her research interests include topics related to special education teacher education, transition, higher education leadership, and the use of simulation experiences with live interaction avatars to facilitate teacher education skills acquisition.


PhD, University of Illinois Champaign Urbana

MS, Govenors State University

BS, Olivet Nazarene University


Reed, F. (2023). Walden University Use of Simulations to Facilitate Teacher Education Pregparation. Mursion