Carey Cadieux

Contributing Faculty
College of Nursing
Master of Science in Nursing (MSN)

Dr. Cadieux has experience with acute medical-surgical nursing, pediatrics, community health, parish nursing, and hospice nursing. She has taught MSN students at Walden University since 2005 and she has been a teacher of nurses since 1997. Dr. Cadieux is very active with professional organizations including the American Holistic Nurses Association and the American Cannabis Nurses Association. She has published over 40 articles in peer-reviewed journals, and she has a passion for caring-holistic approaches to nursing education. She is the editor of Clark's Cannabis: A Handbook for Nurses (2021) published by Wolter's Kuhlwer.

Courses Taught

NURS 6331 - Teaching-Learning Strategies and Technology

NURS 6321 - Curriculum Development, Assessment, and Evaluation


PhD, California Institute of Integral Studies

MSN, California State University, dominguez Hills

BSN, Excelsior College

AS, Rio Hondo College

Advanced Holistic Nurse, Board Certified, American Holistic Nurses Credentialing Center

Public Service

American Cannabis Nurses Association, President -

American Holistic Nurses Association , Committee Member -

American Nurses Association, Maine, Chair -

Awards / Honors

American Holistic Nurses Association Excellence in Holistic Education Award, American Holistic Nurses Association, 2013

Sister Consuela White Spirit of Nursing Award, American Nurses Association, Maine, 2015

Jean Watson Scholarship, International Human Caring Conference, 2003

Graduate Nursing Student of the Year, CSUDH, 2001

Carrie Lenburg Award, Excelsior College, for outstanding graduate committed to excellence in nursing education, Excelsior College, 2011


Cadieux, C. (2018). Medical cannabis: The oncology nurse’s role in patient education about the effects of marijuana on cancer palliation. . Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing

Cadieux, C. (2013). An integral nursing education experience: Outcomes from a BSN Reiki course. . Holistic Nursing Practice

Cadieux, C. (2016). Watson’s Human Caring Theory: Pertinent transpersonal and humanities concepts for educators. . Humanities in Health Professions Education and Practice

Cadieux, C. (2013). Resistance to change in the nursing profession: Creative transdisciplinary solution processes. . Creative Nursing


Cadieux, C. (2018). Cannabis and the Holistic Nurse's Role. American Holistic Nurses Association

Cadieux, C. (2017). Medical Marijuana: It’s Not How High, But How Far We Can Go. . Oncology Nursing Society

Cadieux, C. (2018). Teaching caring and authentic presence in online-hybrid nursing education. . Rutgers University